Presbyterian Board of Governors Cochlear Implant Center of Excellence
Helping you to hear again, or for the first time
At the Presbyterian Board of Governors Cochlear Implant Center of Excellence at GBMC, it is our pleasure to work with children and adults, along with their families and educators as they pursue cochlear implant candidacy testing or need audiologic and rehabilitative services for their current implant. Our multidisciplinary team will work together to determine if a cochlear implant is appropriate for you. We serve individuals with moderate to profound sensorineural hearing loss, in both ears, and individuals with single-sided deafness, during candidacy, surgery, and follow-up. Our goal is to provide comprehensive care for you and your family as well as to work collaboratively with educators and other service providers.
Our Services
The Cochlear Implant Center at GBMC offers a variety of services encompassing the entire spectrum of care, including:
- Audiological Testing: assess hearing sensitivity in test booth, with and without hearing aids
- Speech Recognition Testing: assess ability to recognize and repeat words and sentences in the presence of quiet and in noise
- Speech and Language Evaluation: assess speech and/or language abilities (as needed)
- Speech and Language Therapy: address voice, articulation, and language disorders
- Aural Rehabilitation Therapy: provide practice with implant in order to improve awareness of environmental sounds and speech understanding
- Ear, Nose and Throat Evaluation: performed by surgeon to determine if cochlear implantation is medically appropriate for you
- Psychological Evaluation: assess cognitive abilities (as needed)
- Counseling regarding cochlear implant technology: choosing device options, discussing patient/parent expectations, ongoing maintenance of the device
- Cochlear implantation surgery: performed on an outpatient basis, usually a 90 minute procedure
- Hearing aid fittings and modifications: maintenance and hearing aid selection
- Impressions: making earmolds for hearing aids
- Mapping of cochlear implant: programming of cochlear implant processor - completed frequently during initial stages of activation and annually thereafter
- Telehealth services are available for your audiology and rehabilitative needs.

Your 1st step to better hearing.
Test your hearing on your phone for free!
The app uses digits presented in background noise to allow for accurate detection of hearing loss. A 23-step hearing screening, which can be completed in under 3 minutes. Download the app, put on a pair of headphones, and test away!
CI Connection
Here at the Cochlear Implant center, we are committed to providing you with support throughout your process. You may find it beneficial to speak to others regarding their cochlear implant experience.
That's why we have assembled a team of all-star patient advocates to help answer any questions you may have before the implantation process. If you wish to be contacted by a GBMC Cochlear Implant Advocate, please click the button below. You can expect to receive contact from 1-3 advocates within the next 7 days.
*Note* You must have completed your initial candidacy evaluation with the CI center prior to joining this program.
Related Services

Audiology at GBMC
6535 N. Charles St.
Pavilion North, Suite 250
Towson, MD 21204
Phone: (410) 821-5153

Ear, Nose & Throat - Otolaryngology
6535 N. Charles St.
Pavilion North, Suite 250
Towson, MD 21204
Phone: (443) 849-2140

Diabetes & Nutrition at the Geckle Center - Endocrinology
6535 N. Charles St.
Pavilion North, Suite 405
Towson, MD 21204
Phone: (443) 849-2036